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My Thoughts on the Trayvon Martin situation

This was posted on my facebook wall and a friend suggested to put it on a website or blog, so it could be shared.


Well I guess it's that time again. If you know me or know of me you know I don't frequent the message board of my facebook on a regular basis, but when I do I have been compelled or inspired to say something. Today is that day. I have sat back and observed the comments regarding Trayvon Martin on facebook, the discussions overheard in public places, the commentators on the news and voices over the radio. Let me first preface what I'm about to say by being clear and concise on my intentions. My words are not to create offense or add to the fire that is steadily building. My words are to provoke thought and then action!


Why are so many people spinning wheels? Why are so many people yelling from the mountain tops making known of their anger of what has just happened and continues to happen?


It is easier to talk about something than it is to do something about it. You are the change you seek. The world will not change until "We" change. Newton's First law of inertia is: An object is either at rest or moves at a constant velocity, unless acted on by a force. I hear so many people complain about what this world has come to. My question is what have you become. Have you become like an old rotten oak tree? or still a young orange tree? They both share the same problem....they lack the ability to produce. An old oak tree may appear strong and beautiful on the outside and are dead on the inside. A young orange tree has not reached a level of maturation to produce the thing it was created for. That's how I see "US" now. We have an older population that has become so hardened by the elements of life that they are breathing and moving, but are dead inside. We have a younger population whose growth has become stagnate and they get older, but don't produce.


Everyone one of you have a right to be angry, disappointed, frustrated and confused, but what are you going to do about it? If you're tired of the state of our nation then do something about it! We change the world by changing ourselves. I am a black man, if you didn't know (Smile) Trayvon's story resonates with me. The thought of me walking down the street and someone seeing the color of my skin and as a result of fear killing me does sadden my heart, but what am I doing to prevent or promote actions like that?


It is my goal to create a legacy. When people meet me I make them laugh as a result they no longer say ALL black men are mean and angry. When discussions are had I voice my perspectives as a result they know there is at least one black man who's articulate and enlightened. When I see someone in need and I am able to help I help them as a result they no longer think the world only cares about themselves. When someone is hurting and weak I allow myself to be the solid figure they can lean on through the process as a result they realize they are not alone. Each day I have an opportunity to change a stereotype, a perception, a feeling, a thought and a person's mentality and I seize those opportunities. Day by day I am changing the world. I am a force. You are a force. When we put our forces together SOMETHING HAPPENS!


Don't be fooled by what you see and hear. They are merely distractions. The longer you stay angry the longer you stay barren. When you stay angry the creativity doesn't flow. When you stay angry you are less inclined to bridge the gap and instead spread it further. When you stay angry you are locked into reality and stop being a visionary because you stop thinking with your mind and think with your emotions. The longer we stay distracted is the longer we'll stay divided. This is no just a black and white issue. This is not a republican and democratic issue. This is not an old and young issue. When it affects one it affects us all. We all live on earth.


My kings and queens, princes and princesses because that's what you are whether you realize it. You all have a gift to contribute. Stop waiting on the world to change and you change it by changing yourself. You are a force so use it. When we bring our forces together SOMETHING HAPPENS!


Please share with those that need to hear this in whatever fashion you choose. We have to put this fire out and start one that produces good. We can spread gossip and entertainment quickly, but are stationary with things that provoke thought, revelation and action!


-Infinite Love


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